As an alternative to a more robust audit process, we offer employers an opportunity to purchase our Attendance & Sick Leave policy and DM&A Procedure's Manual templates at a cost which includes our consulting services, customization of documents to fit the organization's work culture and their STD plan whether it is ASO, self administered, or through EI sick benefits.
We work closely with you to understand your existing DM&A process and supporting policies. A policy and procedures manual may exist but updates and steps in the process may need to be more clearly defined to meet legislative requirements and to ensure consistently in applications. We help clarify roles and responsibilities of employees and the employer from onset to conclusion of the disability claim. Forms and working templates are provided supporting all steps in the DM&A process. As we work with you in customizing your Attendance & Sick Leave Policy and DM&A Procedures Manual PDM gets exposure to the uniqueness of your work culture while you gain improved understanding of your legal obligations and steps needed to objectively and effectively manage workplace disability and accommodation issues.